Course Details

Ph.D. is a postgraduate academic degree awarded by universities. Ph.D. is the highest level a degree a student can achieve. Students should complete master’s and then they can apply for the Ph.D. 

Usually, Ph.D. is a 3-5 year course in which scholars present original research presented as a thesis or dissertation based on their interested area/Topic. Ph.D. scholars will have 6-7 months of course work before starting the research work. Once Course work is completed scholars will start developing the research paper and thesis writing. 


A scholar should have a master’s degree from any recognized university/ institution or equivalent degree in a recognized institution. 

Candidates must take an entrance examination offered by the university or UGC NET exam followed by an interview. 


Q. What happens in a PhD interview ?

A. Most PhDd candidates should attend face to face interviews and you will be asked a few questions related to your educational background, goals and the topic you have selected for your research.

Q. How do I select a research topic?

A. You need to finalize your interested domain first based on your educational background. Once you select your interested domain you need to select a unique and fresh topic for your research.

Q. Can I do a part time PhD?

A. Yes, part time is available. In case if you are looking for funded research you need full time courses. If your research is self funded you can opt for part time and also it depends on the university which you choose for your research.

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